6 Tips for New Mommy Bloggers

6 Blogging Tips for New Mommy Bloggers

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Blogging can change your life and change the life of the people around you. So, now I’ve got some blogging tips for new mommy bloggers to help you on your journey as a blogger. What other career allows you to work when you want to work, spend time with your family when you want to, and even make some money while doing it. But we know that in the blogosphere, there are definitely some tips that can help. So, check out these 6 Blogging Tips for New Mommy Bloggers to help you along the way.

On my journey as a blogger, I have experience many peaks and valleys. There was that huge peak where it took me over a year to decide on a blog name. Then, it took me months just to decide to write something. I loved writing, parenting, and traveling. There were so many awesome topics out there and I found it hard to decide what to write about.

It’s been an amazing journey that has taken me farther than I ever thought was possible. But I’m not going to let you make the same mistakes I made. I’m going to talk about my mistakes and provide some tips for you so you won’t have to experience my learning curve. Here at Moms Blog Too we truly believe in helping other moms. So without further adieu, here are my 6 Blogging Tips for New Mommy Bloggers that I hope help you on your journey as a blogger.

Mommy blogger sitting on the bed while blogging on her computer.

Blogging Tip for New Mommy Bloggers #1: Pick a Blog Name and Just Start A Blog Already

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

I am the ultimate procrastinator. No one can procrastinate like I can. Matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I earned a PhD in procrastination somewhere. This is what got me when I first started on my blogging journey. I couldn’t decide when I wanted to start a blog because I just kept coming up with different reasons to put it on the back burner. I knew I wanted to start a blog, but I just couldn’t get myself to even do it.

My first procrastination tool was to obsess and I mean obsess over the blog name. Would I name it Moms Blog Too or My Blog Journey or Deidre’s Blog Journey. I don’t know how many times I typed the different names in the domain name search tools to see if they were still available and then obsess about different combinations of the word. It was ridiculous.

(Note:) If you’re still uneasy about starting a blog, create a landing page on ConvertKit. To join ConvertKit for free, click this link right here.

Finally, I went with my first instinct and that’s how I settled on Moms Blog Too. It was the name that just spoke to me. So, don’t do what took me over a year to do. Pick a name that feels good in your gut and go with it. Trust me, it will spare you months and months of agony and procrastination. For more on how to start a blog, check out my beginner’s guide for mom’s starting a blog by clicking below:

Beginner’s Guide to Mom’s Starting a Blog

Blogging Tip for New Mommy Bloggers #2: Don’t Get Hung Up on the Technical Stuff

I wouldn’t call myself a technical genius nor would I call myself a computer whiz. Now, I love the computer and Internet like most people, but it still caused me anxiety to think about all of the technical stuff associated with a blog. I mean there are domain names, hosts, links, themes, tags, plugins, etc. It seemed like there was so much to learn and I knew nothing of it. I created a little quick website for grad school, but that was years ago!

But here’s the thing. The technical stuff is not what’s important. You’ll get that because that’s why we have YouTube, tutorials, etc. You’ve just got to get your mind right that you can learn it and if you can’t learn it, you’ll find someone who’ll help you. Simple as that!

Yes, you could tons of tags and plugins to your website, but the most important thing is for you just to start. You can learn the technical stuff later. As long as you set up your website which really all you need is your computer and your credit card to pay for hosting, you’re good to go. You can sign up for Bluehost and get in on an amazing deal to start your website right here.

Blogging Tip for New Mommy Bloggers #3: Write Your Truth

It took me a while to figure out what it truly means to write your truth. To put it bluntly, it means not to be afraid to write about your life and everything that comes along with it. When you write your truth, you are opening your life up to others, being vulnerable, sharing your ups and downs, and putting it all in your blog posts.

I started Moms Blog Too because I needed an outlet. Work was no longer fulfilling and I wanted to spend more time with my family. My three little boys needed me and I felt as though I never had enough time to be with them or my husband. This is my truth and this is why I am dedicated to helping other moms do the same. This is why I blog and this is what I talk about most in my blog posts since its my truth.

To me, blog posts are almost like a diary and that’s what makes blogging so raw and real. When you write your truth and from your heart, readers will know its you and they will appreciate you sharing you life with them. It will come across in your writing and people won’t have to wonder if it’s you are not that’s writing. They will know it because you are being real real with your life and what you’ve been through. Don’t forget write your truth and open yourself up to others.

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Blogging Tip for New Mommy Bloggers #4: Share Your Truth

We’re over halfway through our blogging tips for new mommy bloggers. We talked about writing your truth, but now what is sharing your truth? Sharing your truth means to let others know about your truth. It’s not enough just to write your truth, you have to also share through social media like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

For me, I couldn’t figure out why I share anything. I mean what would people think and why would they want to read what I wrote. And then I thought, I’ve got something to say and I want people to hear it.

Another reason it’s important to share what you write to others? Because quite simply, if you don’t, no one will know! I thought my blog posts would magically get discovered by people on the internet. And while SEO can help, you still need to share to help people find you just a little bit easier. Just think, why do you post to social media now? It’s to share what’s going on in your life. So why not share what you post to your blog?

By sharing, you will have others that will be able to relate to your blog posts and discover you. People want to hear what you have to say. Don’t worry about what other people will think about you and what you write. You will find your tribe of people that will love what you have to say and that will want to hear from you. Believe in your truth and what you write and share it to the world. To help you share your truth, get your Create A Blog Post Monthly Progress Tracker Freebie.

Blogging Tip for New Mommy Bloggers #5: Don’t Worry About the Money, Focus on Your Content

We all know that there are different ways to make money blogging whether it’s through affiliate links, sponsored ads, your own products, etc. And yes, these are all important ways to make money blogging, but the money will only come once you get focused on your content.

Your content is the backbone of your blog. You make money through all of those different avenues quite frankly from the content you produce. You get people to click on your affiliate links, because they like the content you included in your affiliate post. You get sponsored ads because people come to your website to read your content. People buy your products and services because they like your content.

So as you see, the real bread and butter to your blog is the content. Create great content by sharing your truth and what you know, and the money will come. Ready for the last of the 6 Blogging Tips for New Mommy Bloggers? Read below!

Blogging Tip for New Mommy Bloggers #6: Don’t Let Haters and Imposter Syndrome Stop You

You’re not the only one that suffers from imposter syndrome. It’s hard sometimes to believe that what you’re writing and doing is good enough when there are so many other people doing it. But they are not you. Only you can tell your story and only you can write like you write. You can learn more about not letting fear stop you from achieving your goals right here.

You also have to watch out for haters and dream crushers. There is always going to be someone negative out there that will try to stop you from achieving your dreams. They will tell you why you can’t do something. Recognize those people immediately and steer clear! You don’t have room in your life for people that just go around hating on other people. Start your blog now on Bluehost and get to it. You got this!

I hope these 6 Blogging Tips for New Mommy Bloggers provided you with some clarity. You are worthy of greatness, awesomeness, and you have an amazing story to tell through your blog. Share your truth and wisdom and help other moms like yourself. When others doubt you, you will always have a community here at Moms Blog Too to help you and support your dreams and goals in life.