How to use email marketing to grow your blog.

How to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Blog

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As mommy bloggers, we are led to believe that email marketing is a dirty word. But, I’m here to tell you that it isn’t a dirty word, but it’s a profitable word. By starting email marketing, you can grow your blog beyond your wildest dreams. That’s why this article on how to use email marketing to grow your blog will help you take an important step to making your blog profitable.

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “How do I even start email marketing?” or perhaps “What would I send my list?”. Don’t worry. Moms Blog Too is here to help you figure it out and help you turn your blog into a business. Email marketing will help you to get there faster and grow your community. So, here are the best ways on how to use email marketing to grow your blog. Enjoy!

#1 – Nurture Your Email List to Grow Your Community

To be honest, the word nurture sounds weird to me when you’re talking about an email list. I mean what does it mean to actually nurture a email list? To put it simply, to nurture means to make them a friend and to solidify your friendship. You nurture your email list by emailing them consistently about different subject matters pertaining to your blog.

You also every now and then send them a freebie and offer them advice that will help them on their journey. For instance, if you blog about how to travel with kids, why not offer them a travel with kids must-have checklist? That checklist will not only help them solve their problem about what they need to travel with kids, but it will also build a stronger bond with those on your email list.

#2 – Include Affiliate Links in Your Emails

When most people think of affiliate links, they think of using them to sell other people’s products. But you can also use affiliate links for your own products that you recommend in your blog.

For instance, if you blog about how to blog, you may include a link to ConvertKit which is an email service provider or even a product such as Canva. You can talk about why you recommend these products or why you use them. And of course, include your affiliate link.

#3 – Market Your Products or Webinars to Your List

If you’re emailing your list list the right way and growing your community, if you’re offering affiliate products to help your audience, then you’re proving your authority to your email list as a blogger. They are now starting to like and trust you because they can count on you and what you can offer them that will help them solve their problem.

The next step is to market your products to them in your emails and help them to see that you have a solution to those problems and issues that they have. You have to be confident in your ability to help those on your email list. Even if you don’t know everything, you probably know more than most and that’s how you can help your list.

Develop a digital product such as an ebook or course, to take your community to the next level. You would then market these digital products in your email. You can also do a webinar and sell it as a way to help people learn about different things that will help their business.

In Conclusion

By nurturing your community first, you can suggest your affiliate products and even market your digital products and paid webinars to them. Don’t be afraid as a mommy blogger to take that next step to help your community.

They’re counting on you to provide them with solutions that can help them achieve more than they thought was possible. You can help them to see that it is possible and motivate them to do it.