Growing your blog can seem like it takes for ever. But it doesn’t have to. One way to grow your blog that works really well is to collaborate with others and not just anyone, but other bloggers that have a similar audience as you do.
So why collaboration? Collaborating with others allows you to get in front of more audiences and raise awareness about your blog and your brand. One blogger may have 500 people on their email list and you may have 700 people on your email list. If you all work together, that’s 1200 that both of you can potentially reach. See how that works?
Now, that you know how it works, here are the top ways to grow your blog by collaborating with others. Remember, you can also learn more about how to start a blog in 2023 right here! Well, read on to find out how to grow your blog by collaborating with others which will help you to monetize your blog. You can do it. Happy Blogging!
#1 – Top Ways to Grow Your Blog by Collaborating with Others – Participate in a Bundle or Giveaway
One awesome way to grow your blog by collaborating with others is simply to participate in a bundle or giveaway. Even though I have been a blogger for a few years now, I just started this tip and I wish I had started it way earlier.
Bundles or giveaways are online events where you contribute a digital product that you usually sell and a host gathers gifts from several other bloggers and then markets it as one big bundle of giveaway. It can either be a free bundle of giveaway in which people sign up by just providing their email or it can be a paid one where they pay like one fee and then get access to all of the products.
This method by far has provided me with the most email subscribers and also raised the most awareness about my blog. Just to give you a sense of how well these online events can work, in one giveaway I got 500 subscribers! If you are the host for the actual giveaway, you can of course make double or tripe that number.
It’s an amazing way to get email subscribers and also a great way to raise awareness about who you are and your blog. Once you have those subscribers, you can send them emails about your blog and your blog content as well as even sell to your list! Want to learn more about how to get more email subscribers? Check out this article!
#2 – Top Ways to Grow Your Blog by Collaborating with Others – Participate in a Summit
Another way to grow your grow by collaborating with others is is to participate in a summit. A summit is an online event where different creators and bloggers present a video about your particular topic. It can be a taped presentation or done live. While you’re presentation is live or available which is usually for 24 hours, people can sign up for your digital product that you’re providing for free.
During the summit, you get a lot of eyes on your presentation and then people want to sign up for your freebie. When they do that, they not only get on your email list, but they also learn about your blog which helps to grow it because more people will become aware of your blog and visit your website.
#3 Top Ways to Grow Your Blog by Collaborating with Others – Do a Freebie Swap
So when you here swap you’re probably trying to figure out what that really means. Well, it’s exactly as it says. With a freebie swap, you literally swap freebies with another blogger or influencer!
By swapping freebies, you and the other blogger provide each other with information about your freebie, a link to your freebie landing page, an image of your freebie, and a timeline for the freebie swap. For example, if your freebie is a weight loss calendar, you would provide the information about the weight loss calendar and the blogger would write an email about it to her list. You would then provide the information about your freebie to her as well.
Your freebie now gets in front of her audience and her freebie gets in front of yours. So you see now how that’s a freebie swap? It’s a great way to use each other audiences for you each to get more people on your email lists and to help you each grow your blogs.
In Conclusion
As you can see, these top ways to grow your blog by collaborating with others can really help you to grow your blog. By getting more people on your email list, you can send them info about your blog and raise awareness about your brand. We all want to grow our blogs and just making a freebie and hoping people will sign up on our lists, can literally take forever. Try out these top ways to grow your blog and see for yourself! Happy Blogging!