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Best Way to Grow Your Email List as a Mommy Blogger

One of the hardest things for me to figure out as a mommy blogger was how to grow my email list. And no, I’m not joking. I had read so many articles about how growing your email list could help you as a blogger, but I just couldn’t figure it out. I had heard everything from all you have to do is a create a freebie and then the email subscribers would just come.

But after years of blogging, I finally discovered the best way to grow your email list as a mommy blogger. If you need more help with growing your email list after reading this post, check out this blog post “How to Get More Email Subscribers”. But for now, I’m spilling the secret on the best way to grow your email list below. Read on to find out what it is.

The best way to grow your email list as a mommy blogger is quite simple: it’s running your own free bundle. How do I know this? Because I just ran my own free bundle. You may be asking, what exactly is a bundle? A bundle is where you bring together different resources for people to have access to. In my first bundle that I hosted, I gained hundreds of email subscribers in just a little over a week’s time. Hosting a bundle has a lot of other benefits too so read on to learn why running a bundle is the best way to grow your email list as a mommy blogger.

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    #1) Why Hosting a Bundle is the Best Way to Grow Your Email List as a Mommy Blogger – You Get Email Subscribers Fast

    When I say that you get email subscribers fast, you really do get email subscribers fast. You know that freebie that you created that you thought would get people to magically just sign up for your email list? Well, by hosting a bundle, that freebie is seen by hundreds and hundreds of people.

    Where do all of those people come from? They come from simply the people that are participating in your bundle. You see, the people that are in your bundle share it with their audience and that multiplies that number of people that see your bundle and will then of course see your freebie. While it’s cool to get one email subscriber a day, imagine getting dozens and dozens of email subscribers a day during your bundle.

    #2) Why Hosting a Bundle is the Best Way to Grow Your Email List as a Mommy Blogger – You Get the Right Email Subscribers

    When I say the right email subscribers, I mean that your best subscribers are going to be the ones that come from another person that does something related to what you do and already has a warm audience that trusts them. When those people see your offer from the person they already trust and love, they’re going to pay attention to what you have to offer as well.

    Just think about it. When a stranger comes up to you and tells you to try something, you’re very reluctant. But what if it’s coming from someone that’s a friend of yours or someone you’ve known for a while. You’re going to most likely be more interested in what they have to say. That’s how running a free bundle works.

    A person that you have to participate in your bundle sends out an email to their list about your bundle. The people in their audience are interested in what you have to offer or will at least consider what you offer and then they click to register for your bundle and you get them on your email list. It’s then up to you to nurture them so they stay on your list, but they are there and that’s what makes it easier to reach out to them in the future and then sell them your future products and services.

    #3) Why Hosting a Bundle is the Best Way to Grow Your Email List – Your Grow Your List and Your Authority

    Another reason why hosting a bundle is the best way to grow your email list is because not only do you grow your list, but you also grow your authority. Your authority is pretty much how people see you and your brand. It’s how people recognize you and what you do as a a blogger. Need help with starting a blog? Click here to get this free Start a Blog Checklist!

    When you host a bundle, you get hundreds and hundreds of people on your email list, but then they also learn about who you are and what you do. Once I hosted my bundle, there were many people that never heard of me before, but now they do. That means that when I host my next bundle or event, they’ll know who I am and they’re more likely to trust and buy from me. That’s so important as a blogger.

    When there are so many people blogging, how do people distinguish who you are and your brand? They do this by learning more about you and hearing more about you. Hosting a bundle essentially builds your street cred and street cred is everything because that’s how you build the know, like, and trust factor.

    In Conclusion

    In conclusion, the best way to grow your email list as a mommy blogger is to host your own free bundle. It allows you get to get hundreds and hundreds of people on your email list fast, you get the right email subscribers, and it helps you to grow your authority as a blogger.

    Now, I must admit that hosting a bundle does take a lot of time. I think it two me a couple of months to do mine. But that’s not bad considering it can take you years to build your email list. A couple of months is nothing especially when you look at the rewards that it will bring you as a mommy blogger.

    If you can’t host a bundle at this point, consider participating in a bundle and see how it runs. You’ll then learn how things work and can start figuring out how you can host your own bundle. Remember, you can do it and it will help you grow your email list and grow your authority.

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