I’m going to share my #1 blogging tip for new mommy bloggers that may seem so simple but is the hardest part about blogging.
It’s being consistent.
To grow your blog, you have to be consistent with posting your blog posts.
This allows your readers to hear from you on a regular basis, and it allows you to get the word out about your blog.
This blogging tip for new mommy bloggers that I just told you is a game changer. By mastering how to be consistent with your blog, you can achieve more than you thought was ever possible. You can get my Create A Blog Post Monthly Progress Tracker to help you track your progress!

Why Do We Struggle With Consistency While Blogging?
We all struggle with consistency because to be consistent, means you actually have to plan what you’re doing.
As moms, we are so busy all the time that it’s hard to find time to do anything for ourselves. For me, I’m lucky if I can remember to eat my lunch because I’m so busy taking care of my three boys.
But once you have consistency down, you will start to see real growth in not only your blog traffic, but your blog income as well. To learn more about how to start your blog so you can start getting traffic and being able to monetize your blog, check out my blog post 6 Blogging Tips for New Mommy Bloggers.

Implement a Blogging Schedule That Works For You as a Mommy Blogger
To figure out how to do this, I made a schedule that worked for me. Not everyone can work on their blogs during the day, or when the kids are taking naps.
I work best after the kids go to bed and when the house is completely quiet (except for me binge-watching shows on Netflix or watching HGTV). Sometimes working on your blog even if you just have a few 15-minute breaks can help.
One thing that will also help with this is using a blog post tracker. You can get my Create a Blog Post Monthly Project Tracker by clicking here. This tracker will help you to track when you do research for your blog posts, write your blog posts, and post to social media about your blog post.

Identify Your Road Blocks to Blogging Consistently and Don’t Let Them Stop You
If you’ve started blogging, what has worked for you? If you’re still trying to figure out how to find the time, what is your biggest obstacle? How can you overcome these obstacles? Think about these questions and come up with some solutions that will help you on your blogging journey.
Don’t let anything get in the way of your blogging journey. This #1 blogging tip for new mommy bloggers is what allow you to reach your goals. Recognize that it’s important to do what it takes to get the job done. In this case, it’s to get your blog post done.

If you have to stay up late, stay up late. If you have to let the kids sleep a little bit longer during naptime, let them sleep. Know your goals and stick with them.
I’ve been where you are and I understand. It may seem impossible, but you can do this and be consistent with your blog posts. You are the only thing standing in your way. Don’t be the obstacle to achieving your own greatness.
Make the commitment to be consistent with your blog whether its blogging once a week of twice a month. Just be consistent with it and you will see a difference in not only your blog traffic, but the money you make from your blog as well.