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How to Blog and Still Be a Mom

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If you’re a mom like me, and you want to start a blog, you’re probably trying to figure out how you can do it all. Well, I am here to tell you that it is possible. As moms, we are always so busy. We’re taking care of our kids first, maybe our husbands, and then after that if it’s even possible, we look after ourselves. But you can be a blogger, be successful, and still be a mom.

My journey started out just like probably yours. I wanted to have a creative outlet besides just helping my kids with their school projects and I wanted to start my own business. Yes, blogging is a business. I was tired of the same 9 to 5 type of work and really wanted to live my life to the fullest while helping others.

That’s what blogging is all about. You’re helping others with what you blog about. Maybe you love to garden (I do by the way), or you love to try to cook like Chef Ramsey, or maybe you enjoy crocheting. What ever your passion, there is someone else that is just starting out and wants to know what you know. You may not realize it, but there is always someone that wants your knowledge and that wants to know what you know.

If you remember that, that will help you along the way. There is always someone that wants to know what you know, even if you don’t think that you know a lot. Trust me, you know more than you think you know. So yes, you can be a mom, a blogger, and do it all. Here are my top 3 tips to help you along the way.

There are three things you need to know to help you on your journey as a blogger. Find out what they are by reading below.

This mom is blogging and has figured out a blogging schedule that works for her. This image goes with the #1 blogging tip for new mommy bloggers.
Mommy bloggers sits at the table as she works on her blogging schedule.

1. Blog About What You Know and Love

This is a great one because it really is so true. If you enjoy going shopping everyday, why not blog about shopping? And if you’re into organic foods and shopping organic, why not blog about how to shop organic? If you love to travel and that’s all you talk about all day, why not blog about travel?

For me, with a background as a broadcast journalist, I have always loved to write and to be creative when putting things together. That’s part of why I became a blogger. I wanted to teach other people how to write and how to be comfortable with expressing what they know and love.

If you blog about what you know and love, people will be able to see in your writing, that you really do care about it. For me, writing is an outlet. You can write about anything and express yourself. It allows me to keep my mind focused on the task at hand and have fun doing it at the same time. You can also start your blog with Bluehost right here to help you out.

So simply, blog about what you know and love, and others will be able to see that you love it as well. Keep reading more below on how to blog and be a mom.

2. Dedicate A Certain Time to Your Blog

Okay, I know this seems hard, but it’s something you have to do if you want to be successful. I learn this the hard way every time I put blogging off and say I’ll do it when I have more time. You have to figure out the best time for you to blog and stick with it.

For instance, If you have three kids like me, it’s probably not going to be easy to work on your blog when it’s dinner time. I don’t think I have ever been able to blog during dinner time. But you know what time does work? Right after I put the kids to bed! Then, I have a few hours before I go to bed to work on my blog. (Notice that I didn’t say in the morning before the kids wake up because I’m not a morning person.)

Once you know the time that works best for you, stick with it. Make that your dedicated time to blog whether its once a week, a couple of times a week, or whatever else works. Just stick to it or you will never do it and your progress will stall. You will always have some excuse if you don’t blog at your dedicated time. Don’t let that get in the way of you being successful as a blogger. To help you , here are the best blogging tips. Keep reading on how to blog and be a mom below.

3. Don’t Give Up on Your Blog

I say this and want you to understand how important this is. Life gets in the way a lot of times and that’s fine, but you want to make sure you come back to your blog. I speak from example. The last time I wrote a blog post was several months ago. I always made an excuse of why not to blog. But the truth is, I have plenty to blog about, but I was just putting other things in the way of me blogging.

That’s what it’s important that you don’t give up and that you keep blogging. Even if it is to write a short blog post, blogging about just anything will help you.

You can do this. Yes, it can be hard sometimes, but don’t give up. You will be successful, but like everything else, you have to put the work in and you can’t give up. You got this. Just follow this tips on how to blog and be a mom and you’ll be successful.

2 thoughts on “How to Blog and Still Be a Mom”

    1. Deidre Johnson

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the article! It’s definitely possible to be a blogger and still be a mom. We can do it!

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